Writer Blog Documentation

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39 Responses

  • Thank you so much for such a wonderful theme! I love it!
    One more question…
    How can I make the area/container where body test displays bigger. I would like to have the text span just a little wider on the screen.

    Thanks again.

  • How do I change the size of my H2 tag – it’s driving me nuts. I can change font, colour,
    everything except the actual size of the font. I click to change the size to something
    smaller – but it never changes.

  • Hi – I spent a good long time looking for a blogger’s them and I found yours to be the best. How can I
    remove that Welcome box that appears in the middle of my home page header?

    • Hi there,

      You can change the welcome box to a category slider by setting the category on Customize -> General Settings section. ( Setup homepage slider category )
      However if you want to completely remove that, then I can send you a child theme that will do that. In this case you will need the pro version.


  • Hello, I had an artist create a logo for me before I realized it needed to be 150x40px. So now I can’t use it as a header. I instead inserted my logo pic on my Home page. However, it is below the text. Is there a way to put photo above text?

  • Hello, thank you for great template. I have question. Is there possibility to translate text “Read more”
    that is displayed in Homepage Slider? I was able to translate “READ MORE” for standard blog articles
    but it was not applied for the slider. Thank you for your response. Martin

  • Hello, it’s Lynn. I have your pro version. How/Where can I import your Contact Us template to my
    website? If you don’t offer that form, which plugin did you use? I like yours because it’s simple.


    • Hi Lynn,

      The from is a plugin called Contact Form 7. You will have to install the plugin
      for that.
      I’ve also attached the theme form, you can download it from here.

      To import that, goto Tools->Import->WordPress Import.

      Let me know if you need any further assistance.
      Also, for fast Premium support,
      Please mail us support@crafthemes.com


    • Hi there,

      I am sorry to say that this option is not yet added to the theme.
      We will take that in mind and will be sure to add the functionality in the next update.


  • Hi,
    I have been using your theme and everything works smoothly except for when I click the Home page at the top of my website. Every time I do, it brings me not to my home that has my articles but to the template home. How do I fix this?

    • Hi there,

      You have to setup your menu for that. To do that, goto appearance->menus and there you will find the option to do that.


  • Hello, I’m considering buying your pro version . . . you don’t say if $39 is for unlimited use or one year. I’m glad you recently updated your site info with how-to video.

    • Hi Lynn,

      The pro version is for unlimited use. Meaning once you purchase you won’t have to pay again. 🙂
      Also glad to know you liked the video. Let me know if you have any further question.


    • Hi there,

      Can you please mail your issue/questions at support[at]crafthemes.com including your website url with any screenshot if applicable?


  • Hi, I use our template! It is very cool 😀 I have add the WP Featherlight plugin to make article image clickable and zoomable. I wonder how increase the size of the categories image. They look pixelized on my blog .
    Finally, Where can I found the changelog of the blog ?
    And thanks for the template, it is very cool ! 😀

    • Hi Jerome,

      Excerpts are displayed to display quick summaries are preferable to full content. Excerpt are defined in the core WordPress files in such way and anchor links are filter there.

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